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[Manga Zone 6] Download Kuroko No Basketball Season 1 Complete

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What speaks the series?

Kuroko's Basketball, known in Japan as Kuroko no Basuke (黒子のバスケ), is a Japanese sports manga series written and illustrated by Tadatoshi Fujimaki. The English rendering The Basketball Which Kuroko Plays also appears in the artwork of the Japanese version. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from December 2008 to September 2014, with the individual chapters collected into 30 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha. It tells the story of a high school basketball team trying to make it to the national tournament.

Kuroko No Basketball Review the complete season


The basketball team of Teiko Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of the team became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, a fact known to few is that there was another player in the "Generation of Miracles": a phantom sixth man. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Tetsuya Kuroko – "the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Taiga Kagami – a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in the US, aim to bring Seirin to the top of Japan and begin taking on Kuroko's former teammates one by one. The series chronicles Seirin's rise to become Japan's number one high school team. The Generation of Miracles include Ryota Kise, Shintaro Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara and Seijuro Akashi.

Seirin High team fought Ryota Kise's team first in a practice match. Although Kise was capable of copying all of Kagami skills with added strength and speed, Kuroko's abilities helped narrow the distance and eventually, Seirin won this game. They then met Shintaro Midorima in the preliminaries of Interhigh. The game was much more difficult, not only because Midorima and the last 3 members of "Generation of Miracles" are considerably stronger than Ryota Kise, but also Kuroko's ability of misdirection was completely shut down by Takao's Hawk Eyes. They managed to defeat team Shutoku but their winning streak ended after they lost badly to Touou Academy, whose basketball team contained the Ace of the "Generation of Miracles" - Daiki Aomine. After this game, they lost their remaining two matches against Senshinkan and Meisei, and were eliminated from the Interhigh. However, a new player arrives to join Seirin - Kiyoshi Teppei, the man who formed the Seirin Basketball team. They spent the entire summer training for the Winter Cup, even coincidentally meeting Shutoku while training.

In the preliminaries, they met team Shutoku again. This match ended into a tie, so Seirin needed to defeat team Kirisaki Daichi. Kirisaki Daichi's captain was Hanamiya Makoto, a member of the Uncrowned Kings well-known for his underhanded methods to win a match. However, they won and gained a ticket to the Winter Cup.

In the first round, they met Touou - and Aomine - again. But with the awakening of Kagami and the Kuroko' Misdirection Overflow, they finally defeated Daiki Aomine. In the quarter-final, Seirin won a tough match against the team of the Center of "Generation of Miracles" - Atsushi Murasakibara. They are set to play against their first rival - the team of Ryota Kise in semi-final. An extremely hard match against the power of Perfect Copy, Seirin won and came to the final. The final was where Seirin must fight team Rakuzan - the Emperor. This team's Captain was the former Captain of the "Generation of Miracles" - Seijuro Akashi. The game ended with Seirin High's victory and they were announced as this year's champion.

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